Healing your relationship with food probably sounds like an absolute dream, I know it did for me; a dream that MUST be possible because others do it: but I used to believe it was not possible for me.
I thought it would never feel easy to eat to nourish my body and enjoy it.
I thought I would always depend on food in some way to cope with my emotions…
I just didn’t know HOW to heal.
But let me tell you; it was possible and it IS POSSIBLE for you too!
I have written this blog post for anyone who is feeling stuck and unsure of HOW to start healing.
With each blog post, I like to give you the opportunity to claim this AMAZING free 3 step guide to help you get your started on your healing journey.
In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food.
You can claim your free guide by clicking the blue button above.
5 crucial learnings in healing your relationship with food and yourself
1) The way you think about yourself is pivotal
If we think and believe we are not capable of healing; we won’t be. It really does start simply, here, in these exact thoughts. This is SO important in healing your relationship with food.
Think about it… how many thoughts do we have a day? A lot! Now how many of those thoughts are about ourselves? Probably a decent amount depending on the day and situations. So if these thoughts are mainly more negative, in particular, in terms of food (eg. I have horrid eating habits or I am so disgusting for eating all of that) we are feeding into some pretty unhelpful beliefs about ourselves.
So what sort of thoughts should you be aiming for? Ones with something in mind…
KINDNESS: you want thoughts that are going to lift you up and towards your goals. The negative thought patterns don’t help, they keep you stuck.
2) You CAN build self confidence
I didn’t used to believe this AT ALL. I was the opposite of confident growing up, I didn’t want to speak up at all. I am still an introvert for sure, but I LOVE helping others and I am confident in myself and in what I do.
So HOW do you build self confidence?
Practice and changing the way you think about yourself; thinking the thoughts that will help you build your confidence. This can be really hard because our beliefs can be very deeply engrained but being able to keep moving forward and believing in yourself will get you there.
Having confidence in yourself is important in healing your relationship with food because (in my experience and for most the clients I have worked with) a lack of confidence can often result in unhealthy ways of coping (i.e food).

3) You CAN love yourself the way you are right now
Even if your goals involve changes in the way you look (ie. Losing some weight) you can still love (or at least feel good about) yourself right now. You will have noticed a big pattern between these learnings: they all involve the way you are thinking about things and the beliefs you hold.
This is not to different, but it involves accepting the way things are at the moment and moving forward from there. Saying kind words/ thoughts to yourself, for example, my body may not be where I want it to be but I am really happy that it has carried me so far in life and I am excited to be nourishing it.
Just shifting the negative thoughts to at least be neutral in nature.
4) Other peoples thoughts about you do not matter
Do what makes YOU feel good, follow YOUR passions (see my post “5 things to know to help you stop worrying about what others think of you”).
At the end of the day; YOU are the one who is living your life, you may as well be doing what you love and what feels good to you. People will always have their opinions regardless of what you do. If you want to start healing your relationship with food you will find that not worrying as much about what others think will be similar to the confidence piece; you won’t feel the need to use food as a way of coping.
5) Focusing on caring for yourself and believing you are worthy: you will want to nourish your body and not punish it
Once I reached the place of believing I was worth it; I deserved a healthy relationship with food, the rest became easy. Nourishing my body is now something I love doing.
It is important to reach the point where you WANT to take care of yourself and deal with the deeper causes of the unhealthy relationship with food you have. When you are at this point you are at a point where you will do the deeper work that is essential in healing your relationship with food.
Often times you may be healing your relationship with food and this belief at the same time; as long as there is a strong willingness to learn you will be able to heal.
In Closing:
These crucial learnings are POWERFUL in healing your relationship with food and yourself. When you work through these things you will be healing your relationship with food and yourself.
Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
5 steps to stop worrying about what others think of you – Read here
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
Healing your relationship with food is no small feat and having others around you who are on the same journey can really help! That is exactly why I created this Facebook group.
This is a safe space for you to meet others, engage and learn as you embark on your healing journey.